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Sink into This Aptly Named Lounge Chair: Chrome Melt

Sink into This Aptly Named Lounge Chair: Chrome Melt

Droopy, drapey, slumped: A thick upholstered cushion sags over the chrome-plated steel frame of the aptly named Chrome Melt lounge chair like someone flopping down to rest after a long, hard day. It’s a gesture that invites the sitter to join in the relaxation. Fabric options are COM, mohair velvet (see pink Bubblegum, below), and mohair fur (as in the wildly shaggy brown Teddy). The perch joins the Bower Studios‘ Melt collection of mirrors, furniture, and accessories, in which partners Danny Giannella, Tammer Hijazi, and Jeffrey Renz con­ceptualize objects that have undergone transformation, slouching as if experiencing some invisible force of nature, like oppressive heat (highly topical these days) or simply a lethargy all their own.


Chrome Melt.

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